Paper Recycling Facility
A major overhaul at a high volume paper products recycling center included a new stormwater filtration vault. This was the only stormwater treatment device they had permit approval for. The facility owners were familiar with filtration vault systems as they had the same solution installed at their other sites. They were also experienced and knew that filtration vault systems can quickly become plugged by paper debris washed into the catch basins every time it rains. With the costs associated with pumping out the vault, the hassles of confined space entry and the high cost of replacement filter cartridges, they sought a way to reduce the maintenance costs of their filter vault system.
They chose CleanWay® catch basin filtration inserts for pre-treatment before the vault to reduce maintenance expenses. The owners selected CleanWay catch basin inserts because of the low initial cost along with simple installation and maintenance. For more information, call 800.723.1373.