

Filter replacements recommended to be used with CleanWay products only

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CleanWay® Environmental Partners provides several stormwater filter elements to help you achieve your water quality goals. Depending on site considerations and target pollutants, CleanWay offers various filtration options with a flexible choice of elements to address the needs at your site.

Geotextile Filters – trash/debris (sold in packages of 4; no mixing of sizes)
Adsorb-It filter – trash/debris/TSS/oil/grease (sold in packages of 4; no mixing of sizes)
Vermiculite filter – trash/debris/TSS/oil/grease/Zinc
Blended Vermiculite & MetalZorb – trash/debris/TSS/oil/grease/dissolved metals
100% MetalZorb – trash/debris/TSS/oil/grease/dissolved metals (used primarily in Downspout units)

* Filter replacements recommended to be used with CleanWay products only *

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